Sunday, May 10, 2015

To God Be The Glory

Two young adults cruising down the freeway on a stormy spring night.
He made one wrong move...

 They rolled and only the lord knows how long they were there, the paramedics arrived and rushed them to the hospital.

Broken and crushed bones, head wounds and tears.
There is nothing we can do but pray. 

Elijah and Autumn are both in critical condition but are making forward progress, praise the lord!
There is a long, long road for them towards recovery but God can work miracles.

I, along with every other human, do not understand how God works all the time; and frankly most of the the time we are too small to see the big picture. 
Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely devastated that this happened. I cried when I heard the news, and I am not someone who cries much.
But I think God has this big plan coming together, to us it may appear a big, unsolvable puzzle (like rocket science or algebra, same difference), But to the Lord it's as plain as day!  
The way I understand it is that God allows bad circumstances to affect us so that he can turns those thing into something even better than before the circumstance.

20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. 

I know that God will turn this into something good, and we can have hope in that.

  "Hope. It's the only thing stronger than fear" 

-President Snow (The Hunger Games)

Maybe it will bring Elijah and Autumn closer together,
maybe their testimony will bring others to Christ...
 I don't know, but I cannot wait to be able to step back and see the joy that can through the pain.

Paul said to pray without ceasing, and I finally understand what he meant by that, I can go through my daily routines, or having a conversation, etc, but I am always sending up a silent prayer for Elijah and Autumn. 

Prayer can seem very confusing, it's almost a paradox. I don't even begin to grasp how it works, but God has asked us to pray therefore I will pray.
My church has been doing a study on prayer by John MacArthur and the lord's model prayer, it is fascinating! One night we studied God's will and learned so much, I highly suggest you to listen to it. I could not find the exact one we listened to but here is the link to his other sermon on the Lord's will, 

The Lord is truly awesome, he will guide us through this tribulation.

"Be still and know that I am God."

When I say "To God be the glory" I mean it. I pray that anything that comes out of this, God gets the the glory and praise and thanksgiving, not man.

Have hope, my friends, in the greater things that are yet to come and the amazing God that we serve.


 For updates and prayer requests, please visit

Dear friends of theirs' have started a fund raiser to help with medical bills, please help if you can

Autumn's fund

Elijah's fund

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